Monday, March 19, 2007

SXSW - Day Three!

Somebody should figure out a way to get paid for being a fan. If wealth equaled admiration, I’d be a bazillionaire! Oh, well….. I started the day at work, desperately trying to concentrate on the mundane while music was playing mere blocks away. Three o’clock couldn’t arrive soon enough, but at last I was out the door! (and remembered to bring my cell phone this time - incommunicado no more)!

I had made it only a block when I caught a familiar tune! The Seeker! Apparently, Friends Club was hosting Townshend Rewind – a gathering of bands playing Pete & Who tunes. Of course I had to pop in for a listen, and the band did an excellent job. The band that followed promised to be interesting, mainly due to the distinctive bass backing track they were sound checking. If they ever have a “Who Name That Tune” show – I’ll win. I can peg ‘Eminence Front’ in 1 note! Alas, the band elected to rap to the song. I’m old and crotchety and can’t do rap music for very long, so off down the road to the Muzak tent party I went! I’m a purist – HA!

The Muzak folks were as accommodating as could be – and I was able to stake a claim at a table near the tent entrance. Good thing, too – as the caterers arrived with the chow the lines and crowds thickened! Was soon joined by Cathy, Colleen, Lauren, June, Brandi, LJ, Tana & our chaperone Burton (who STILL cannot wipe the silly grin off his face from the La Zona Rosa meet up)! We managed to snag some great Tex Mex before it was all gone and had plenty of time to chat and complain about the sudden weather change – it got chilly and really breezy!

The cosmos smiled on us once again, as we were able to enjoy Rachel’s set from the very front row! Blessings and thanks to Burton who managed to secure chairs for all of us (who are still recovering from non-sensible shoes from 2 days before). To say that Rach was stunning is a supreme understatement. Wearing an elegant green velvet ensemble (and me in a Who T-Shirt and my trademark goofy cowboy hat – Oh my! – I’ve violated some international fashion laws again – I just know it!) We were treated to Cigarettes & Housework, Sir Walter Raleigh, Pleasure Seeker, Blue and Motherf*&%er. (which is now stubbornly stuck in my head – I’ll be in trouble for humming THAT one under my breath at work this week)! Pete joined Rachel for Sunrise – pure joy to watch those two perform together. W e managed to present Rachel with a ‘signed sign’ (Department of Redundancy Department). Tana, Burton and I hung around after the set and managed to “run into” Pete & Rachel at their limo for a few quick thanks before the DirectTV filming.

Attending the DirectTV gig was much like going to watch Trackside (my NASCAR buds will grok that) – except that seeing Rachel in her resplendent velvet against a backdrop of Armadillos, beer ads, barbed wire and neon was downright surreal! She repeated her set, but after confessing to us at the Muzak party that she wouldn’t be able to swear on live TV we were surprised when the cameras broke away and she repeated MF! (which is now indelibly burned in my brain and is certain to come out of my mouth at an inopportune moment at work this week – but they deserve it)! Martha Wainwright joined Pete & Rachel for “Factory” and the gig finished off with Rachel OUT from behind the piano!

What an incredible night! I had to take my leave after the filming because I had to be at work at 6:00 am the next morning! (SXSW is “hell week” in the Parking biz and it’s also flu season! – we’re shorthanded!). Made it home before I turned into a pumpkin and fell asleep humming “MotherfuY**&$”! Hubby Dave thinks I’ve lost it!

1 comment:

Savvy1007 said...

Billy Harvey's music is really really good...