Saturday, October 21, 2006

Cyber Chores

Reorganizing my blog is one of those chores that never seems to make it to the top of the "to do" list. Kind of like alphabetizing the sock drawer. Originally created as a part of Townshend's Method concept, the blog served it's original purpose and now needs to move on. I'm looking forward to the next installment of Method, but as the band is currently touring the U.S. it appears that MII will be a while in the offing.

Endless Wire will release on October 31, and we have new In The Attic stateside broadcasts to look forward to. Good stuff from El Pedro and Rachel - may she visit Austin soon! SXSW is sorely lacking in Cigarettes and Housework!

In the meantime, I'm up for a new look, some new subject matter. Since I've been involved heavily of late in the Church of the Holy Oval (a/k/a NASCAR), we'll add a bit of paint tradin' to the mix. (Note to Self: ponder the implications of Townshend the NASCAR fan -- now THERE'S bizarre thought!)

As usual, we'll continue our diligent efforts to Keep Austin Weird, even if its doin' just fine on its own!

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